Education Center

Defining“Rider” Policies with Health Insurance and When to Consider Them
It’s possible to amend and customize your health insurance plans to add on or supplement coverage beyond your traditional insurance plan. Rider plans allow individuals to tailor their health insurance coverage to meet specific needs beyond what is covered by their basic health insurance plan. Read more about it on TrickyBills.com

What is a Catastrophic Health Insurance Policy?
Catastrophic Health Insurance offers coverage for major and unexpected medical expenses and while offering lower monthly premiums compared to more comprehensive insurance plans. It is designed for people who are young and health and do not require frequent medical care. Learn more about it on Tricky Bills.

Financially Preparing for Parenthood: The Cost of Childbirth in America
Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life, but it can also be stressful and financially challenging. Tricky Bills dives into some of the details you should think about from a medical billing perspective as it relates to childbirth.

Supplies are High Dollar, High Use
Supplies are a large group of items on medical bills that most people don’t understand. These items contribute to the complexity of a bill, making it difficult to understand and create opportunities for inaccuracy. There can be 1-100+ items on the bill that are just supplies used during your stay in the hospital or physician office.

Financial Assistance for your healthcare bills

Health Insurance 101
It’s Open Enrollment time, so we are all thinking about Healthcare. Whether working for a company that contributes to your plan payment or buying through a marketplace for you and your family, selecting the best plan can be confusing and overwhelming.